Sunday, 4 March 2012

 details of my outfit
 Zora and Lisa in the train
 from the left to the right: me, Zora, Lisa and Laura

 Far East Movement

LMFAO and Far East Movement together on stage! (HOTDOG MAN ON THE RIIIIGHT)

So I went to the LMFAO concert yesterday and it was AWESOME! The atmosphere was great and LMFAO were better live than I expected them to be! Unfortunately, only Red Foo from LMFAO was there, since his partner "wiggled so much that his penis fell out of his pants and he fell over his own penis and now he has back problems" (quoting Red Foo here) :D It really was amazing, my first concert and I loved it, I'm also so happy that Far East Movement came too! I think that's it, I'll let the pictures do the rest, hehe


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