Sunday 18 January 2015

dress: zara

As you've probably noticed over the last few days, I recently decided to invest in a good blog theme and purchased one on Etsy. I'm still not a hundred percent done/happy with the theme and changing small bits and bobs here and there but it feels good to have changed my blog's theme to something else after having a very similar theme for years now. We're already halfway through January, which means that it might be just a tad late for New Year's Resolutions, but since I'm not necessarily a big fan of those anyway, I thought I'd share some things that I want to change/start doing in 2015 that have been crossing my mind lately. Towards the end of 2014, I started organising myself better in order to create better blog content and I definitely want to keep this up - making a Facebook page (which hit 100 likes yesterday, woo!) and changing my blog theme is part of my motivation to keep regular, better quality posting up. However, I've also got some more personal changes I want to make this year (or generally in the future, actually)

  • I want to start eating more raw fruits and vegetables, whether it be in the form of juices, smoothies, salads or rice paper wraps filled with veggies.
  • I want to break out of my comfort zone more when it comes to dressing myself, I want to increasingly dress for myself rather than for other people. Because in the end, the only person you have to please is yourself!
  • I've started a few new blog post categories in 2014, like the Vegan Eats or Blog Post Roundup categories and want to keep coming up with new ideas. Do you guys have any requests on posts you'd like to see? More random facts about me, a Q&A? Do let me know!
  • I want to start walking more in everyday life. I don't want to - and I won't - go to the gym every single day, but I still want to get moving more. Luckily (ha) I live on a hill, obligating me to walk uphill for 10 minutes straight practically every day but I want to start getting off the bus earlier and walk for a bit longer when I've got some spare time or even walk to grocery shops or even the city centre instead of wasting time to wait for a bus, only to get off three bus stops later.
  • I generally want to be happier. I've already started working on this at the end of last year, reminding myself to look at the bigger picture of life and not constantly stressing out about approaching deadlines and exams because in the end - a mark is not worth wrecking your nerves. Surprisingly, this has been working quite well lately, so I'll definitely keep the positivity up!


  1. That's exactly what I did in the new year ... modify my blog layout haha! It's quite refreshing and motivating to have a change once in a while. You've got some nice resolutions there :) Wishing you all the best for 2015!

  2. Love the new layout! And you have great resolutions and I'm definitely with you on the eating healthy one :)


  3. Salut Nora, est-ce que tu pourrais augmenter la taille de la police ? Je trouve ça petit et je suis obligée de plisser les yeux pour lire!
    Sinon j'adorerais voir plus d'articles recettes vegan (ou non) ou genre des "What I eat in a /day week" parce que la nourriture est ma plus grande passion (just being honest) et je suis toujours en train de chercher l'inspiration !

    1. j'ai essayé de changer la taille de l'écriture mais je n'arrive pas vraiment à le faire.. mais je crois que ça ferai un peu étrange quand l'écriture est plus grande, en particulier avec quelques posts plus longs :/ sinon, si tu arrives vraiment pas bien à lire, tu peux toujours essayer d'appuyer Ctrl et + et normalement tu pourra 'zoomer' l'image et ça sera plus facile à lire :) merci pour le feedback, je vais essayer de poster de recettes etc!

  4. your new layout looks amazing! and i think it makes the quality of the pictures stand out :)

  5. love your dress :) following you, hope that you can o the same so that we can keep in touch


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