Instagram Diary

Thursday, 6 February 2014

 left: I still haven't had the chance to wear my new heels to go out, but my birthday is approaching, so that might be the perfect opportunity...! right: from-where-i-stand kind of snapshot of a recent outfit - still soo in love with my urban outfitters sweater, it's the perfect, cozy sweater for the awful weather we've been having in England!
 left: throwback to Berlin; how pretty does the Brandenburger Tor look at night? If you pay attention when looking at the picture, you can see the purple-ishly lights in the back - it's the tent for the Berlin Fashion Week! My friend and I were so disappointed because we literally left the city a couple of days before Fashion Week started, arghh! right: outfit from last week
 left: my favourite Starbucks in Brighton has one of its walls covered in mirror-pieces - it looks so cool! right: huge detox breakfast aka fruit salad my friend and I had after a great night out last week
 left: I bought this sweater at Primark last weekend and I got it on sale for unbelievable £5 instead of 10! I love how it doesn't look like it was this cheap at all, definitely a bargain staple piece.
left: it was my flatmate's 19th birthday recently and it's become kind of a tradition that the girls and me bake muffins and a cake for the birthday kid right: my friend and I had our usual Starbucks session in Brighton today - no matter how often I go to Starbucks here, I still enjoy it every single time!

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