LFW Street Style / Inspiration

Friday, 19 September 2014

lfw, london fashion week, s/s 2015, fashion, street style, style, outfits, inspiration, poncho, dungarees, suit, london, fashion week
favourite bits: pointy ballet flats | poncho
lfw, london fashion week, s/s 2015, fashion, street style, style, outfits, inspiration, poncho, dungarees, suit, london, fashion week
favourite bits: tartan print skirt / camel coat | combination of chic style with black chucks
lfw, london fashion week, s/s 2015, fashion, street style, style, outfits, inspiration, poncho, dungarees, suit, london, fashion week
 favourite bits: powder pink coloured everything
lfw, london fashion week, s/s 2015, fashion, street style, style, outfits, inspiration, poncho, dungarees, suit, london, fashion week
 favourite bits: men in suits and big hats - no comments needed
lfw, london fashion week, s/s 2015, fashion, street style, style, outfits, inspiration, poncho, dungarees, suit, london, fashion week
 favourite bits: cut and pattern of pants / different shades of grey
lfw, london fashion week, s/s 2015, fashion, street style, style, outfits, inspiration, poncho, dungarees, suit, london, fashion week
favourite bits: combination of casual tracksuit and Chanel (lookalike?) bag

Being the kind of person who gets way more inspired by streetstyle than by runway looks, (or anything else really - can anything beat good streetstyle?) I once again googled my way through the net and chose some outfits that I liked the most. Some of the bits I like the most are returning/still 'here' trends like tartan and denim tracksuits, others are more new but just as exciting, such as ponchos or shoes so pointy, you could stab someone with them.
(pictures can be found here, here, here and here)

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