pictures via my tumblr
One week into the new year, a total 11 000 words worth of essays submitted and I can finally enjoy the month of January. Up until this morning, my main focus (and source of stress) were my deadlines today, which have been keeping me busy for almost two months and were one of the reasons for the lack of updates. Now that I'm free until the end of January, I can finally focus on blogging a little bit more again, before my last term of University starts.
The one thing I'm looking forward to the most this month is the trip I'll be going to in two days: I'm going back to New York City - and this time for even longer than the last time I went! I'm incredibly excited to visit the city in winter, walk around wrapped up in my coat and scarf, warm up drinking coffee in the cutest spots, go ice skating in Central Park and discover more of the city. Naturally, I will be taking lots of pictures during my stay there, so stay tuned for travel and outfit posts as well as the one or other Vegan Eats post - if that's something you'd like to see more of for New York?
At the end of the month, I'll be going home for a week to spend some more time in Luxembourg and with my family before coming back to Brighton for the craziness that the next term will bring. Apart from my deadlines today, this month seems like the perfect start of 2016! What are your plans? Are you going anywhere exciting this month or in 2016 in general? Did you make any new year's resolutions?
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