Hello with a british accent!
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Resuming yesterday and today: starbucks, first lessons, sandwiches all day long, topshop, more starbucks, epic failures when trying to take buses, rain, drooling around while walking through huge shopping malls, falling in love with Cambridge, giving up on counting the colleges here... Having the best time!
I'm currently sitting in the school cafeteria with Jil, we just booked our saturday in London, thinking about going to see a musical next week, waiting for our Student Cards to be done to go play pool tonight.. and so on. I now need to post this before the laptop runs out of battery, tehe, TTYL xo
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Some last minute snapshots with my brother - oh I'll miss him so much! ♥
oh and I cut off my pink jeans, I've been wanting light pink shorts for ages now - and these are perfectttt
WHAAT ISSS HAPPENING? I can't believe I'll leave in a few hours, ayayay. But it looks like my mum's even more nervous than I am, hehe!
And btw: Happy Birthday Mommy♥
dammit, this is such a messed up post, sorry, haha! xo
you turned out to be the best thing i never had
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Random pictures from last week
So this'll be my last update before I'm leaving for England tomorrow! I am practically done with packing, which feels really good, since it definitely isn't something that I enjoy doing, hehe. Jil and I are catching our flight around 3PM tomorrow and then we're off to Cambridge for two weeks, gonna be awesome! We'll have four lessons of 40minutes each day, either in the morning or the afternoon and we'll live with a little older woman. If possible, we'll also spend a weekend in London and I'm really really hoping that we'll get some free time to do some serious shopping! (and thank you so much for all the tips, I really appreciate that!:)) Jil is taking her laptop with her, and since we should have internet in school, I'll try to sometimes update, but I really am not promising anything!
I'm now gonna google the distance between Starbucks and our school (hehehehehehehehehehe), eat candy and watch some PLL! Talk to you later, hopefully! xo
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Victoria and me chilling in the car, taking a break from working
My last friday's outfit
Today we drew those white signs on the streets during work
I went to eat sushi with my mum like two weeks ago and I ate aaall of this. Holy crap I've never felt that full!
My current sleeping outfit, as comfortable as it gets, heh
Bruno and me last friday:D
Victoria, Juli and Waldo, also last friday
PS: Am I the only one whose youtube doesn't work anymore? :(
far from never
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
random picture I took a few days ago
Heelloo you all out there! I'm in a really good mood right now because I finally got my report today and it really is better than I expected it to be! I only failed two of my compos (okay this sounds stupid.. "only", but I was really scared), my chemistry-, and maths exam! And since I won't have chemistry again and will go down to the easier maths class next year, I am totally satisfied :) And the part I am happiest about is that I got 10 10 10 in english:D! Which means that my participation/homework/test mark, my exam and my whole year mark is a 10, I literally screamed when I saw that :DD AND I got a goood mark in my biology exam (8!), which I'm really happy about too because I failed every single other test and exam in that subject this year.
Okay, enough of all the school talking! I am back to blogging (as good as possible) until I leave for England on Sunday. (YES, IN 5 DAYS!) And I promise you to make a vlog with all the things that I'll buy over there, so stay tuned!
Please vote!♥
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Please vote for my dress, it would really mean a lot to me! :) ♥ (click here!)
shopping tips, 3, 2, 1.. go!
Okay so it's sunday, I'm bored and I already miss blogging, hehe!
Some of you might remember me talking about going to England with a friend during the summer holidays and well, I'll be at the airport in exactly one week! Jil and I are going to live in a family and go to school 4 hours a day, either in the morning or afternoon. We'll live in Cambridge but probably go to London for a weekend. Now the big question is: what are your shopping-, but also restaurant-, etc suggestions? I'm already google-ing around but I'd love to hear some advice from you! For example if you know where we can find awesome Secondhand shops? Well whatever you know, please leave a comment on this post or here, I'd really appreciate that! :) xo
I can't wait to finally drink Starbucks again, aaaah!
Saturday, 9 July 2011
I am not quitting blogging, I am just gonna take a break from it for a few days! I just need to figure out if I still enjoy it as much as I used to, plus I'm going to work the whole week anyways and I need to start organizing myself for CAMBRIDGE! I hope you'll all still be here when I'm back :-) xo
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
gardening, eating, more gardening, seeing friends, going swimming, watching tv shows, sleeping.
That's all I am currently doing and probably will keep on doing this and the next week, sorry for the lack of posts, but nothing
interesting happens, and I still don't have my camera back.
party rock is in the house toniiiight!
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Here are some pictures from Victoria's camera (someone accidentally took my camera with them, so I don't know when I'll get it back, hehe) of the party yesterday. I had such an incredibly amazing time! We had so much fun and I really hope that we'll someday repeat it! I think everyone enjoyed it and now I'm really sad that it's over :( Anyways: I'll start working tomorrow, Victoria and I'll work outside in our whole commune, from 7AM to 4PM. I don't think that I'll dress special or do anything special every day after work, so I don't think that my posts'll be tooo interesting, sorry!
I now need to plan some more things with my mum and then Victoria, Kathlyn and me will watch Supersize Me. Have a nice sunday, xo
PS: Victoria and I got 80€ each and a bottle of cChampagne and Passoa from those lovely people yesterday. Awesome much?:D
I now need to plan some more things with my mum and then Victoria, Kathlyn and me will watch Supersize Me. Have a nice sunday, xo
PS: Victoria and I got 80€ each and a bottle of cChampagne and Passoa from those lovely people yesterday. Awesome much?:D
Song(s) of the Week
Friday, 1 July 2011
Since I can't find our laptop (haha), I thought I'll show you some good music!
Today, Victoria and me basically went to buy some more things for tomorrow and then started making lots of salads with Kathlyn. I don't know if I have already mentioned it here, but Victoria and I are having a BBQ with around 30 people in my garden tomorrow and we're in the biggest preparation rush! The basement is already full of softdrinks, beer and other liquids (a), chips.. etc! I don't think I'll be able to post before tomorrow night, so I'm already wishing you a good friday night and a nice saturday! xo
(and yes, I am posting the entire videos, watch them, I really like them!)
Gold Dust - Dj Fresh I gurantee you, this song is soo addictive and the video is so much fun to watch! I just can't get enough of it and I listen to that song every single time I turn on my iPod/iTunes
Where is my mind? - Emily Browning feat. Yoav I don't know what it is, but I simply find this song so beautiful and relaxing - love it (ignore the video here)
Beautiful People - Chris Brown & Ben Benassi
Cobrastyle - Robyn There's something about this rhythm that is so addictive! And, about the video.. do I need to say anything?:D
Today, Victoria and me basically went to buy some more things for tomorrow and then started making lots of salads with Kathlyn. I don't know if I have already mentioned it here, but Victoria and I are having a BBQ with around 30 people in my garden tomorrow and we're in the biggest preparation rush! The basement is already full of softdrinks, beer and other liquids (a), chips.. etc! I don't think I'll be able to post before tomorrow night, so I'm already wishing you a good friday night and a nice saturday! xo
(and yes, I am posting the entire videos, watch them, I really like them!)
Gold Dust - Dj Fresh I gurantee you, this song is soo addictive and the video is so much fun to watch! I just can't get enough of it and I listen to that song every single time I turn on my iPod/iTunes
Where is my mind? - Emily Browning feat. Yoav I don't know what it is, but I simply find this song so beautiful and relaxing - love it (ignore the video here)
Beautiful People - Chris Brown & Ben Benassi
Cobrastyle - Robyn There's something about this rhythm that is so addictive! And, about the video.. do I need to say anything?:D