I've been thinking about making a monthly favourites section on the blog for a couple of days now and decided to start it off today. I called this specific post 'Current Favourites' because it feels weird to call it 'May Favourites' as I feel like May is already so far away again but I it's too early to call it 'June Favourites' - see my dilemma? So for now, it'll be a current favourites post. I simply thought of a couple of things I've been liking lately and snapped pictures of it. Let me know if you like this kind of post and if so; is there anything specific you want me to add? Food, fashion, beauty, ... ?
1. I got these slouchy, joggings-like shorts from H&M Divided after seeing them on a fellow Luxembourg blogger's Instagram and I loove them! They're easily the most comfortable shorts I own and even though they remind me quite a bit of joggings or shorts you'd wear to the gym, they're really versatile and can be worn up or down, depending what you pair them with.
2. Two Dots is a game I downloaded about a week ago and even though I'm currently frustrated due to being stuck at a level I just can't seem to get through, (this feels like my Candy Crush dilemma all over again, hah) it's pretty addictive and just one of those games I play whenever I'm bored.
3. I remember seeing
Skinny Bitch on a friend's desk years and years ago but was never particularly curious about it. Once I started paying more attention to what I eat and literately went vegan, I read that one of my favourite bloggers loved this book, so I decided to give it a go, especially since I finally have time to read non-Uni-related books again. I meant to order it in English but I got it in German, but it's still a brilliant book nevertheless. Even though I don't agree with 100% of what is said in the book, it's written in a very witty and sarcastic but also highly interesting way. I'm not completely done reading it yet, but it's such an easy and good read that I should be able to finish it shortly. I recommend this book to anyone who's interested in learning more about food and nutrition but doesn't want to read an overly complicated book - no matter what your diet it!
4. While having a short browse through H&M the other day, (New In post to be on the blog soon) I stumbled across a whole bundle of silver rings in different sizes. I love how simple and slim they are and because there's so many of them (I'd say the pack came with approximately 20 rings) and they come in different sizes, there are a lot of combination possibilities.
5. I remember loving Nicki Minaj's Super Bass song years ago but slowly disliking her music more and more - too much hip hop/rap for my taste. Then I discovered this song. And oh boy I love it! It's lovely to hear more of Nicki's beautiful voice in another way than her rapping and this song is somehow so calming and relaxing that I've been playing it at least 5 times while writing this post, haha!
6. This might seem like a quite random/stupid favourite, but I've been using
Snapchat so much lately, it would be weird not to at least shortly mention it on here. I used to never really get the point of this app, but now that I got some more 'friends' on it, I'm having more fun than I should be having, haha! Because let's be honest; who doesn't love being able to pull ugly faces and send it to friends without the risk of them floating around the internet for the rest of eternity?
7. Before I came home from the UK, I bought a bunch of English magazines, as they're ridiculously expensive over here. To my surprise,
ELLE is the magazine I'm enjoying the most at the moment. Luckily, that is very convenient because my mum loves the magazine as well, so we usually have it lying around the house in at least two languages.