3 Days in Gdansk

Thursday, 1 October 2015

The first stop on our Interrail journey was in Gdansk, a city in Poland at the seaside. Having never been to Poland (or any of the countries from our trip for that matter) before, I didn't know what to expect from Gdansk but I was positively surprised. The city itself is absolutely beautiful with gorgeous buildings and cute hidden streets everywhere. Funnily enough, we didn't actually spend a large amount of our time there in Gdansk itself but did two short day trips. On one day, we visited the city of Sopot which is a fifteen minute train ride away and has a big beach. The other day, we took a ferry to the peninsula Hel in the afternoon. Our short trip to Hel was probably my favourite thing about our stay in Gdansk. The beautiful peninsula is perfect for a day filled with biking around on a rented bike for a few euros only, discovering the peninsula's beautiful nature, climbing up weird towers hoping not to be killed in the process and then ending up on one of its drop dead gorgeous beaches and take a dip in the icy Baltic sea. Finish the day by watching a beautiful sunset, but make sure there is another ferry for you to catch to get back home. (Seriously, we almost would've had to spend the night on the peninsula)

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