October Inspiration & Thoughts

Saturday, 3 October 2015

While September wasn't as much of a slow start into my third year of Uni as I expected, October marks the month of being busy and hopefully as productive as possible. I'm really feeling like I need to change gears and just go all in regarding Uni but even personal development and hopefully figure out my future plans for the time after I graduate next Summer (next Summer already! How why what?). It's also the time to get back into a good gym routine, which already seems to happening right now as I seem to be crazy enough to book five different gym classes a week. Someone want to come scrape me off the floor?
Style wise, I'm looking forward to the temperatures going down - but as I said, that is stylewise because I have been surprisingly enjoying the warm temperatures we've had for so long this year and am a tad bit sad about Summer being over whilst contemplating moving to California in a year or so. The last two weeks have blessed us with almost entirely amazing weather with lots and lots of sunshine but that also meant that the big sweaters had to stay in the closet if I didn't want to melt in them under the warm Autumn sun. I'm excited to share a few more Autumn inspired outfits with you, one of which I already shot today.
I'm planning to spread out Interrail posts (including Vegan Eats posts) over the next couple of weeks, so you'll see the one or other travelling post popping up here or there but I also want to get back to "regular" blogging, sharing my everyday life, outfits and inspirations with you.
Dang, October really does look like a busy month so far. What about you?

PS: avocados are always relevant. Always.

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