Back in Luxembourg

Monday 27 August 2012

my brother being all ready to leave to France!

So I'm finally back and it feels so good! I had two relaxing weeks, got to work on my tan quite a bit (it was almost 30 degrees the first week) and I also bought/got some realllly nice things, but more about that later. I'm gonna prepare some posts with pictures from my holiday and of course also with my new things.

And since so many people asked me, which website/program I used to change my hair colour for one of my latest posts, the website was!


  1. i'm thrilled :) i'm glad you like my blog, that sounds great. but i'm sorry, i don't usually do posts like that :S

    bookface page

  2. WHy is he leaving to France?
    Would you please consider following each other? Twitter: @shineonbyandrea If you want to be in the next AndreaStyles post and have me as your stylist write an email at

  3. Hello from France
    I am very happy to welcome you!
    Your blog has been accepted in Europe Luxembourg a minute!
    We ask you to follow the blog "Directory"
    Following our blog will gives you twice as many possibilities of visits to your blog!
    Thank you for your understanding.
    On the right side, in the "green list", you will find all the countries and if you click them, you will find the names of blogs from that Country.
    Invite your friends to join us in the "directory"!
    The creation of this new blog "directory" allows a rapprochement between different countries, a knowledge of different cultures and a sharing of different traditions, passions, fashion, paintings, crafts, cooking,
    photography and poetry. So you will be able to find in different countries other people with passions similar to your ones.
    We are fortunate to be on the Blogspot platform that offers the opportunity to speak to the world.
    The more people will join, the more opportunities everyone will have. And yes, I confess, I need people to know this blog!
    You are in some way the Ambassador of this blog in your Country.
    This is not a personal blog, I created it for all to enjoy.
    SO, you also have to make it known to your contacts and friends in your blog domain: the success of this blog depends on all Participants.
    So, during your next comments with your friends, ask them to come in the 'Directory' by writing in your comments:
    *** I am in the directory come join me! ***
    You want this directory to become more important? Help me to make it grow up!
    Your blog is in the list Europe Luxembourg and I hope this list will grow very quickly
    We ask that you follow our blog and place a badge of your choice on your blog, in order to introduce the "directory" to your friends.

    If you want me to know the blog of your friends, send me their urls
    I see that you know many people in your country, you can try to get them in the directory?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It really means the world to me and don't forget to leave your link so I can come and say hi! Feel free to comment in English, German, French or Luxembourgish :)