Wednesday 6 February 2013

 left: been watching lots of Friends lately, love it! right: delicious spinach-brie-tomato quiche from Exki I had a couple of days ago, mmh
 left: made sushi with my boyfriend for the second time and it was heavenly!! just waay too much.. haha right: found a new combination I love: pale pink, matte nailpolish
 left: random outfit, I felt like a sailor, so many stripes! right: no words needed *drool*
 left: Sarah, Yannic & me at a warm up last Saturday right: Andreas and me swapped costumes for a picture on Saturday, love the pig costume!!:D
left: love my dotted socks tehe right: spent my evening packing - super excited to leave tomorrow!

This is a very quickly written, thrown together post, since it's past 10PM already and I have a 7 hour train ride in front of me tomorrow (the train is leaving Luxembourg at 6AM already, yayy) and I still need to watch the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars!
I won't be posting while I'm in Berlin, and since I'll only be back in the evening on Monday, I'll try to post on Tuesday.
I'm off now, I wish you all a good end of the week / nice weekend / nice holiday and I'll talk to you when I'm back in Luxembourg! xo


  1. Have an amazing time in Berlin, I can't wait to see photos! The home made sushi looks sooo good omg.


  2. Love the spotty socks. Great legs too <33 R x


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