I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air

Sunday 30 October 2011

Pictures from friday night

Since I'm leaving to Vienna tomorrow, today's been all about downloading music, packing and lying around.
I'm gonna prepare one or two posts for the few days that I'll be gone, I'll be back on thursday though! I hope I'm gonna take lots of pictures and do some nice shopping, so that I finally have more exiting stuff to post about :) Until then, have a nice sunday evening! xo


  1. Vill Spaaß hei zu Wien! Wunnen säit 3 Joer hei an et ass einfach eng herrrrrrlech Staad :))


  2. Wow, i like your outfit! You are looking amazing. Also love the color, always black is boring. What color are your tights? Are they white or nude?

  3. @Andrea: thank you! the tights are nude, but i only had either too dark or too light tights, so i decided that i'd rather look a little more pale than weirdly tanned, hehe!


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