
Saturday, 3 May 2014

dress: h&m divided jacket: mango shoes: nike necklaces: urban outfitters

Over the last few days, I've come to the realisation that I have a serious problems when it comes to striped clothing. I went through a couple of shops and tried on a few things and I am not lying when I tell you that at least half of the things I took to the changing rooms with me were striped. The fact that I purchased two striped items within a couple of days doesn't exactly help for that matter! One of the two things I bought is the dress you can see above. It was only 10€, which is ridiiiiiiiculous for such a staple piece (in all the good ways of course), so naturally I couldn't resist! It's also nice that it's white stripes on black background rather than the other way around for once (you know what I mean?!) but I'm sure that nothing striped in my closet will be rarely worn as it's just such a timeless pattern/style! Do you have a specific weakness when it comes to shopping?

1 comment

  1. lovely necklaces :) my weaknesses used to be earrings and piercings but i've been trying to only buy things I know I will wear


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