Friday 5 April 2013

 left: it really sucks that it's still so cold here in Luxembourg, I'd much rather wear my ballet flats than boots! right: awesome view over Malaga
 left: I finally got to wear my hippo dress from Primark, it's so cute! right: back when I was still in Spain, I went to the gym every day and even managed to run for 30mins! (I really don't like running usually)
 I love combining my new mint sweater with yellow/light colours
 left: enjoying a glass of sangria the last evening in Spain right: I met up with two friends yesterday and we made burgers, they were delicious! We even had bacon to put on them nomnom
left: yesterday night, Jil had a big birthday dinner, she turned 18! right: what I had for dinner, soo good but I could barely eat anything, I was still so full from the burgers, haha

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