Undersized Closet is on Facebook!

Friday, 17 October 2014

After thinking about making a Facebook page for my blog for months, (over a year, actually) I finally took the plunge today and did it. I yet have to find my way around it and need to make some small changes here and there, but the main part is done; My blog's got a Facebook page! *happy dance*
I really would appreciate it if you could head over to the page and give it a 'like'! I'll probably be posting extra pictures etc on there, so it's another way to stay up to date with my blog :) Enough rambling now, here's the link to my page!

1 comment

  1. Good luck with your facebook page!

    I love the photo :)

    Corinne x


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It really means the world to me and don't forget to leave your link so I can come and say hi! Feel free to comment in English, German, French or Luxembourgish :)