After the initial shock when realising that today's the first of October, I decided that it was about time to publish another Current Favourites post. As usual, I've collected a few things I've enjoyed the most these past weeks or I am still enjoying!
1. The first thing to share is - how could it not be - food! Since moving in with my two friends in Brighton, I've had the chance to use an awesome blender my friend bought and brought along, so my breakfast is almost the same everyday: banana ice cream! I recently tried to switch it up a little bit and got creative. This ended in me adding instant coffee powder and agave nectar to the bananas before blending everything and oh my! This is probably my favourite flavour so far, most likely because I love coffee flavour in just about everything, haha.
2. The choker necklace hype is clearly still going on, with new variations and designs popping up everywhere, one of them being the classic 'tattoo choker'. After purchasing one (okay, two) of these tattoo chokers myself, I thought I'd add a tattoo bracelet to my order (it was less than a pound, ok) and I love it! It looks quite delicate and I personally thinks that it makes your wrists look particularly feminine and nice.
3. Naturally, no Favourites post can go without a movie or TV show, and this time it's Keeping Up with the Kardashians! I am one of those people that were more than sceptical about this show, and well, family in general, but when I more or less regularly started watching random episodes when they were on TV, I eventually started watching the 9th episode online and I love it! It's safe to say that this is one of my guilty pleasures but who doesn't have those?
4. Even though I've only really just started using my sketch book today, it's something I hope I'll be filling with lots of drawings and other things that inspire me in the future. I started off by drawing some Streetstyle looks that I found online (two of these two pictures above I actually featured on the blog a couple of days ago!).
5. Last, but not least, I've decided to add some music to this post as well. As I've already mentioned in the post before this one, I really enjoyed the movie Begin Again, starring Keira Knightley, one of my favourite actresses. As the movie is filled with music, (sung by Keira!) I fell in love with the calm and soothing soundtrack and been pretty much listening to it non-stop!
Love your sketches! I really like your drawing style, makes me want to start sketching again :)
ReplyDeleteMartha xo
It's in the Details, Dahhling