Cozy Sunday

Sunday 7 October 2012

 I can't get over the cozyness if my new sweater, gonna wear it all day
 Just a small part (!) of a huge list of good movies that I found on this blog, I want to download & watch
German magazine & a copy of a Florence and the Machine CD

Today will be all about reading (already read my french book in less than an hour, haha), adding some last things to my personal statement, listening to the CD my friend gave me to make up my mind if I should go to the concert in a month or not, catching up on Grey's Anatomy and of course drinking a lot of tea and watching one of the maaany movies on my list. (Paris, je t'aime, maybe?)


  1. Jumper looks great worn indoors like that. Are you answering emails?

  2. Went to a Flo concert like 3 weeks ago, you should DEFINITELY go, she's amazing. And I totally have a girl crush on her now :) I can't believe Somewhere didn't get a heart! Sofia Coppola is my favorite director, but I'll admit Somewhere isn't her best work. Not that it's bad at all, but it's nothing compared to Marie Antoinette or The Virgin Suicides.


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