Instagram Diary

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

left: I read that you could speed up the ripening process of bananas by putting them in the oven at a very low heat online and immediately wanted to try that out. Being the idiot I am, I completely forgot about them after a while and only remembered when the bananas had turned black! Needless to say that my friend laughed for half an hour, but we ended up eating them as desssert; baked banana! right: random selfie - for some reason, I hadn't published proper selfies in a while on Instagram
 left: another selfie from the day after - loved the leather/fur/red lips combo! right: I decided to wear my indian-print tshirt from Urban Outfitters as dress once before cropping it
 left: I've recently been making potato pancake (something quite luxemburgish actually, even though I never made them myself before) and it's become one of my favourite meals! You need barely any ingredients and it doesn't take long to make. The best way to eat them is with apple sauce, yum! right: Afternoon coffee & reading session (which quickly turned into a 3 hour long chat) with my friend last Saturday
left: when looking for a place to take outfit pictures in Brighton, we discovered a street that looked as if we were suddenly in Spain or the South of France and on the other side of the street were these beautiful, cute houses! right: As I already mentioned in my post on Sunday, I had my first job here in the UK that day! For that occasion, I had to get a pair of suit trousers and I found one for £5 (!) at Primark. Turns out I really like the look of them when rolled up until the ankle - I'll definitely be wearing them during the day in the future.

1 comment

  1. Aw, I sort of like baked bananas but only ever have them on the campfire at guide camp. We usually wrap them in foil with fruit or chocolate buttons in them. I've never thought about speeding up the ripening process.


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