Wednesday, 31 December 2014

As I'm currently glued to my desk, trying to get some more studying done before partying into the new year tonight, I decided to post a different kind of 2014 recap. The past year, I looked back on my year month by month, picking out the most exciting events that had happened (click here to see these posts) but since I feel like my blog has improved outfit wise this year and I've simply done so many amazing things this year, I figured that I could just create an outfit compilation!

2014 has been a fantastic year to me - I've travelled to 6 countries and realised just how happy discovering new places makes me and this is definitely something I want to keep on doing. I started feeling more at ease with who I am, I got more comfortable and confident living away from home, I got more invested in my studies and I've met great people. But most importantly of all concerning this blog, I finally got myself a domain, found a name I see myself sticking with and started putting more effort into taking pictures and coming up with content. I even made a Facebook page for it!

I can't wait for what 2015 holds - especially because I've been more than busy trying to plan and organise the new year to make it just as exciting and awesome as 2014 was. That being sad - LET'S MAKE 2014 GO OUT WITH A BANG! Happy New Year and see you on the other side xx

My vegan Christmas

Saturday, 27 December 2014

If you've been reading my blog for a little while, you'll know that I've started getting more interested and invested in veganism (mainly diet wise at the beginning) during winter 2013/2014. While I still had the 'traditional' Christmas meal with turkey, potatoes in milk (also know as gratin dauphinois) and tons of non-vegan cookies, I was sure that I didn't want to eat any 'traditional' and non-vegan food this Christmas. So what did a vegan in a family of omnivores eat on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Let's have a look!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

dress, shoes: primark lipstick: sephora

I'm going to keep this relatively short as I've still got some food duties to do (more about this tomorrow!), but I wanted to wish each and one of you a very Merry Christmas! Some of you might've already celebrated yesterday, so this is a bit late for you guys, but I hope you had a fantastic day/will have a fantastic day :) I'm going to mentally prepare myself for all the food now and I'll be back once I'm out of my food coma again! 

Black on black

Sunday, 21 December 2014

ootd, outfit of the day, outfit, what i wore today, wiwt, fashion, blogger, fashion blogger, blog, style, over the knee, over the knee boots, asos, as seen on me, monki, primark, zara, all black, black, neon, yellow, winter, trend, trendy, undersized closet
ootd, outfit of the day, outfit, what i wore today, wiwt, fashion, blogger, fashion blogger, blog, style, over the knee, over the knee boots, asos, as seen on me, monki, primark, zara, all black, black, neon, yellow, winter, trend, trendy, undersized closet
dress: primark sweater: monki boots: asos bag: zara

I have come to the conclusion that over the knee boots are the best invention ever - my legs were never this warm?! I've practically been living in my new boots the past few days, so I felt like I had to take outfit pictures with them, even if this is a pretty basic outfit. I am unfortunately a sucker when it comes to all black or black and grey outfits, but who can say no to a simple, all black outfit here and there? At least I get an A for trying by adding the neon bag... right?

Over the knee

Friday, 19 December 2014

over the knee, over the knee boots, boots, asos, new, winter, fashion, ootd, outfit, legs, what i wore today, black, jeans, classic, suede
Even though I'd been looking for over the knee boots for over a year now, I properly got hooked on them this Autumn when I discovered these absolute beauties on Asos through another blogger. I loved everything about them - the suede look, the chunky heel and the fact that they would probably even fit my legs (believe me - finding fitting high raising boots is one big pain in the ass for me) I saw them on more and more bloggers but was either too broke to afford them myself or they were out of stock in my size. When I recently found out that Asos still had a 20% deal going on and the boots were back in stock in my size... well, we all know what happened. They arrived yesterday and fit like a gloooove and I can't wait to wear them! I'm currently looking for some inspiration on how to style them - do you have a favourite way to wear over the knee boots?

Blog post roundup #2

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

amsterdam, the netherlands, netherlands, holland, travelling, canal, canals, black and white, photograpyh
Amsterdam by night

I'm currently in that awkward 'I want to take outfit pictures but have no one to take them for me' phase, given that I spend most of my days at home trying to get some studying done or running all over the place to run errands. Hopefully, with my brother's holidays coming up at the end of this week and some of my friends returning home soon as well, I'll have someone I can ask to take some pictures of me! As I didn't want to leave the blog hanging and not update for days, I decided to post another Blog Post Roundup - especially since the feedback on the last one I did was more than positive! So here go my 5 links today...

How to succeed at working from home - As a professional blogger, Emilie addresses something that even someone who doesn't blog professionally or has a home based job has had to do every now and then: work from home. Even though I am a student and this blog is far from being my job, I still know how hard it can be to get yourself to work when you spend a lot of time at home and how much you should try to get into a routine. (shameless procrastinator rrright here)

Why you should wear your favourite things more often - Andy talks about probably one of the problems Fashion bloggers (or well, me at least) encounter a lot: putting together outfits and taking pictures of them without repeating outfits too much. But why should we not wear our favourites more?

12 days of outfits - We've all heard of 12 days of Christmas, but Saranne gives the concept a new twist: she posts 12 outfits up until Christmas on her Youtube channel! How cute is that idea?!

DIY blog planner - Blog planners, also known as Editorial planners are becoming more and more popular amongst bloggers and while I only have a notebook where I scribble down post ideas, I really should be using such a planner myself. Carmen shows us how to make your own planner in this post!

Vegan Christmas cookies - Who would I be not to include something food (and Christmas!) related in this post? Fellow blogger and youtuber from Luxembourg Steffi has recently shared a baking video to make vegan chocolate chip cookies and I am now seriously tempted to try making them myself. I had been thinking about what to cook and bake for Christmas when the rest of my family will mainly be eating non-vegan food, so these cookies are definitely a good start!

I just realised that 4 out of these 5 posts were written from Luxembourg based bloggers! Want to discover new bloggers from Luxembourg? Then head over to the official Blogger_LU Facebook page with daily updates from different blogs based in Luxembourg!

Shoe lustings

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Shoe lustings
my polyvore

Given that I'm a huge shoe lover, I've had a couple of shoes (or types of shoes) catching my eye lately and saw a pattern in what I've been loving most recently: over the knee boots, loafers, white stans and sparkly boots! Almost all of these can be purchased on Asos, putting my wallet in a risky situation, haha! As a matter of fact, I've already ordered one of the pairs you can see above - can you guess which one? Do you have any shoe favourites at the moment?

Zurich Photo Diary

Thursday, 11 December 2014


Last weekend, I flew to Zurich with my friend to visit some people we know there and discover a new place. Id never been to Switzerland before, so I was quite excited about finally going there. Zurich was super cute, but we unfortunately had quite gloomy, foggy weather during our stay there and we had a hard time not to spend all of our money on food and transport - the prices are ridiculous in some cases! Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun and this trip was more of a friends-visiting-trip than a typical tourist-trip, so I mainly have pictures of the city/architecture to show you guys.

Vegan Eats | Brighton: High Tea at Terre à Terre

Monday, 8 December 2014

Ever since I moved to England last year, I've been wanting to have good old British High Tea. For those of you that don't know what high tea is, it is basically afternoon tea with sweet and/or savoury treats, only with so much more food if you decide to go all in and get 3 'floors' of food. Now, of course I thought to myself "where the heck am I going to get vegan high tea?!" - but of course, I soon realised that I live in one of the most vegan friendly and culinary interesting cities I know, so I had a 5 minute google and here we go! 

Dotted and Cropped

Sunday, 7 December 2014

shirt: vintage pants: river island sweater: monki boots: zara coat: cos

Even though I've often seen the long(ish) shirt and cropped sweater combination on several blogs over the last year or two, I never found it to be particularly appealing to me. In a moment of inspiration though, I wanted to try and find a way to wear my dotted shirt and this was the result! I've had this shirt for 2 years now but never wore it that much, feeling that there's not many ways to combine it other than with different kind of pants. Turns out that I actually don't completely dislike the shirt-cropped-sweater-combo! What do you think about it? 

Life Update

Thursday, 4 December 2014

 exploring the neighbourhood and discovering the cutest houses / love living near the seaside
 typical airport stays: coffee and magazines / left over sushi & ID magazine for lunch
 wise words in a club in Amsterdam / autumny ground, even though the temperatures lately have been feeling awfully wintery
 random outfit / discovered 42 Juice in Brighton a few days ago, they sell all kinds of juices and smoothies - my friend and I got a coffee and matcha shake 
Heal's furniture store Christmas party in London - lots of free champagne, food tastings and laughs
the seaside is the most stunning at sunset

On another note: I'm flying to Zurich tomorrow! I'm beyond excited, even though I'm a bit intimidated by the temperatures we'll have there. Any tips on places to go/see?

December Inspiration

Monday, 1 December 2014

all pictures are from my tumblr and pinterest

For me, December will be all about staying warm and cozy and drinking too much tea and coffee. I'll be busy with Uni work before heading home end of next week and I'll have to prepare for an exam in January whilst home, but I've also got a lot of fun things planned over the next couple of weeks, so Uni work will hopefully be balanced out with fun stuff to do. At the end of this week, I'll be going to Zurich for the first time with my friend and I already have my fingers crossed that we might even get to see some snow! (let's hope I didn't just jinx it) I'll be spending my last two weeks in the UK with dinners with friends and discovering vegan treats here and there, (which will of course be featured in my Vegan Eats category!) going out and enjoying the Christmassy atmosphere here in Brighton. Especially since I moved away to go to Uni a bit over a year ago, I get ridiculously excited about Christmas, as this holiday also means that I'll be able to spend some time at home after having been away in another country for several weeks or even months at once! Do you know what your December will look like already?

Stripes & Leather

Sunday, 30 November 2014

ootd, outfit of the day, outfit, fashion, blogger, fashion blogger, style, what i wore today, wwit, leather, stripes, boots, heels, cos, zara, river island, h&m, h&m divided, brunette, girl, lipstick, sephora, brighton, uk
ootd, outfit of the day, outfit, fashion, blogger, fashion blogger, style, what i wore today, wwit, leather, stripes, boots, heels, cos, zara, river island, h&m, h&m divided, brunette, girl, lipstick, sephora, brighton, uk
top: zara pants: river island coat: cos boots: h&m divided lipstick: sephora

A couple of days ago, my friend and I decided to go to a shop's Christmas party in London after I received an email about the event happening. (more about this another time) Even though I kept my outfit for that evening quite simple, I still felt like sharing it, as I feel that even more basic and simple outfits (which is honestly the kind of outfit I wear a lot) should be posted on the blog. Whenever I'm feeling uninspired or am in a hurry, I somehow always opt for stripes - they're just the perfect piece to build an outfit around! Paired with my current favourite pants, some lipstick and heeled boots for a change (I literally haven't worn heels in months), I was ready to go!
I'm currently quite busy with Uni work, as I'm aiming to finish an assignment before going home in less than 2 weeks (exciting!) and I'll be going on a weekend trip on Friday, so I'm trying to fit photo editing together with listening to audiobooks (yes, even as a literature student you get tired of reading sometimes) and write up blog posts when I have some spare minutes, trying to avoid turning into one big procrastination session, so bear with me, I'll hopefully manage to update regularly nonetheless.

White & Grey Monochrome

Thursday, 27 November 2014

ootd, outfit, fashion, blogger, fashion blogger, outfit of the day, turtleneck, new look, knitted, grey, white, simple, monochrome, trend, trendy, fashionable, skort, nike, sneakers, trainers, cos, coat, autumn, fall, winter, amsterdam
ootd, outfit, fashion, blogger, fashion blogger, outfit of the day, turtleneck, new look, knitted, grey, white, simple, monochrome, trend, trendy, fashionable, skort, nike, sneakers, trainers, cos, coat, autumn, fall, winter, amsterdam
skort: h&m divided sweater: new look shoes: nike coat: cos bag: bershka

Yes, this is the same sweater as the one I wore in my previous post in another colour. I had a tough time deciding whether to buy another grey sweater or to go for something more original and go for the baby blue one, so I did what every other shopaholic would do: I bought both, haha! I have seriously not regretted it since though, as I wear both of them on every occasion presenting itself to wear a comfy sweater and having the freedom to leave the house without a scarf. (So basically every day, blaming the awful November weather)
I kept the rest of the outfit quite simple and ended up with only white and grey shades but I really like the outcome and this is a great base to add a pop of colour by wearing lipstick or some more fancy accessories!

Vegan Eats | Amsterdam: De Bolhoed

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

It is no secret that I'm a big foodie and that one of my favourite things to do when travelling to places I haven't been before is eat myself through the city. Especially since I've moved to the UK, I've discovered new cuisines and having transitioned into veganism at the beginning of the year, I am even more passionate about finding good food without any animal products. Naturally, this means that I am more than happy to try out vegetarian/vegan or even fully vegan restaurants and cafés. I've already been to one or two such cafés/restaurants on trips or here in Brighton itself, when I decided to create a new category on my blog revolving about food (surprise!), vegan food in particular. While not everyone will be finding themselves at the same destinations I'll be featuring in this new blog post category, it might still work as some kind of inspiration. Having said all this, this post will be the first in my new category: Vegan Eats! I will mostly cover vegetarian/vegan places I ate at whilst on a trip in another city but I'll definitely also include the one or other good spot in Brighton. Let me know if you like this idea of the new category and of course don't forget to tell me if you end up at one of the places I wrote about on the blog! Enough blabbering now, here's the first Vegan Eats post...

Amsterdam Photo Diary

Monday, 24 November 2014

I thoroughly enjoyed my 2 day getaway to Amsterdam and returned with way too many pictures of houses and foods as usual. Most of the city my friend and I explored by walk, (we only used the tram and taxi once when we went out on Saturday night) which is by far my favourite way of discovering a city I haven't been to before. I love the feeling of being tired but happy in the evening after having walked kilometers and kilometers or the reward of finding a cute café to refuel with good coffee and tasty sandwiches, warming up from the autumnal weather outside. While we did a lot of the touristy things, aka a lot of walking by the canals, going to the red light district, etc., we decided not to go to the Anne Frank museum due to the huge queue and the weather being too sunny and nice not to spend time walking around the city. The Anne Frank house is still on my must-visit-list though, so I'll definitely have to pay this beautiful city another visit! I really fell in love with the vibe of the city and my friend and I were often reminded of Berlin but also found a lot of things that reminded us of Scandinavian city, however Amsterdam still remains wonderfully unique. If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen other snapshots from my mini-holiday, but I thought about maybe making a post with Instagram/pictures taken with my phone - haven't fully decided on that yet!

PS: I also discovered my love for juiced beetroot and am now obsessed with it in combination with other fruits and veggies and in absolute need of a juicer for myself... anyone looking a Christmas present for me this year?