We can't stop

Friday 21 June 2013

dress: h&m divided pullover: massimo dutti (2nd hand)

When I wanted to snap outfit pictures before leaving the house yesterday morning, it looked like the apocalypse was happening outside, making it absolutely impossible to have any decent light for pictures. I spontaneously threw this on and added my white vans and rain jacket, but I could luckily just run around in the dress for the rest of the day, because the weather got all summery again. I'm currently having a really hard time resisting to read all those blogs that have updated over the last 30ish hours, but I definitely have to start studying for my German oral, so I guess I'll keep the reading as a motivation/reward for later! That's all for now, I'll be back with better pictures/a hopefully more interesting post soon xo

PS: who else is loving Miley Cyrus' new song right now? I love it! Listen to it here
PPS: just a little reminder to all of you darlings to either import all the blogs you follow on GFC to Bloglovin' or to simply clicking on the little button on the right and follow my blog with Bloglovin' :)


  1. I tried to follow you on bloglovin but it goes to your old blog? The latest post it shows up on bloglovin when I click the button is the one where you say you moved the blog to paleshadows.

  2. Such a cute look, I love the jumper layered over the red and white stripes!

  3. Lovely outfit! You have a great blog!


  4. This skirt is really cute I love it !


  5. Loving this outfit! Miley Cyrus's new song is amazing, have it on repeat! She has the coolest style. Did you see the music video for We Can't Stop? Its so good!

    following you on bloglovin, check my blog out?



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