
Sunday, 30 January 2011

I got an award from Lena, thank you!

The rules:

- Tell us 7 things about yourself
- Award 5 recently discovered bloggers
- Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award

7 Things about myself:

  • I'm naturally a positive person. I laugh all the time, I talk, often too much and I'm the first to be in a good mood and to be a little hyper even when it is 8 in the morning and half of the school is still half asleep.
  • I'm horribly shy when it comes to meet new people or talk to them when I'm alone with them, but once I know someone a little better, I can't shut up.
  • I love and hate wearing heels at the same time. I love the looks when you wear a beautiful pair of heels but I hate that I'm so much taller when it comes to spend my day with friends who are smaller. And whenever I wear heels, I'm always afraid that people think I'm bitchy.
  • The "boyfriend" I had when I was 6 years old is now gay, hahaha!
  • I would actually like to be a model.. sometimes..
  • My right front teeth is longer than my left one and I hate it. I'm a perfectionist.
  • I love to wrestle with my smaller brother! After a certain time, when both of us don't have any power left, we sit on the floor, laughing and saying that we'll have bruises everywhere and find this even more funny and have to laugh even harder.

5 Blogs I recently discovered:


When someone commented on my blog that: "Oxfords are great, you can dress them up or dress them down, they always look fabulous", I immediately wanted to try my new babes on with a dress, so that you'll get a softer, cuter look. I tried them on with several tights and came to the conclusion that they look best with transparent tights. But no, my legs aren't tanned, the tights are just effin' dark, ooops. I think I'm gonna wear those shoes to death, especially in summer when I can wear them with bare legs, skirts, shorts and short dresses! Oh and also ignore my faceexpression, the sun was shining right into my face!


 I want to introduce you to Lena, a good friend of mine. She's very creative and loves to sew! Some time ago, she started sewing small.. I'll call them dolls. They're really cute and if you want a certain animal/colour or certain accessoires, you can always make an order! Check out her blog here and follow if you want to!

I got nearly 30 new followers over night, omg! Thank you so much to everyone who started following me, keep on coming you awesome people! xo

sweet sunday afternoon

Random picture of my today's lunch - D E L I C I O U S ! Me and my food obsession, tssss.. haha!
Until now I just cleaned my room, showered, got dressed, did maths and ate. Now I have to continue a text for spanish, I have to write at least 40 more words, ugh.
The person with the best idea on how to continue a story where a mysterious man suddenly runs away and takes out his gun gets a link in the next post! (I'm serious, please help)

PS: More posts are to come xo

My closet!

Saturday, 29 January 2011

When I read the Mastering your closet chapter in Lauren Conrad's book Style, I immediately felt the need to tidy mine and sort my stuff. I already did this some time ago but never really took pictures of it. It's not perfectly clean and tidied right now, but I always love seeing other bloggers' closets, so I thought I'll might share pics of mine with you!

So, my closet is divided in 3 parts: 2 big parts with two doors (on the left and the right) and a smaller part with only one door inbetween the bigger parts.
In the big part on the left I keep my blouses, pullovers, bigger/looser shirts, dresses, cardigans.. and lower I stock my jeans and some summer shoes. I didn't take pictures of the lower part because it looks kinda messy, hehe. I don't know if you can tell from the pictures, but I ordered my shirts, etc; from the right to the left: dresses, blouses, thick cardigans, light cardigans, shirts, pullovers and my long summerdress. I also sorted the stuff by colours.. a little at least, but you can't clearly see it here. The other picture shows the middle part where I mostly keep thicker cardigans and some jackets and blazers.
This is the big part on the right side. Here I keep t-shirts, tanktops and skirts. It's not really sorted because I often am in a hurry or I'm too lazy to properly take something out of my closet and put it back to the right place. Above my shirts and so on are shorts, scarfs and things like joggingtrousers. Below I keep my underwear, socks, tights and some other scarfs. (This probably is the most chaotic part in my whole wardrobe)
If my shoes aren't standing downstairs, next to the door, then I keep most of them in my big black IKEA shelf. Here you can see some of my shoes which I'm currently stocking in my room: my fake allstars, oxfords, ballerinas, wedge-booties, some very old trainers and two pairs of sandals in the boxes. Most of my ballerinas are put away in another, small box in my other shelf.
On the last "floor" of my big bookshelf I keep all my rings, my sunglasses and perfumes. Longer necklaces are hanging on my blue wall.

I just realised how long this post is, haha! Do you like such posts?
(Excuse the bad lightening/quality of the pictures but I took them this evening and had to take some pictures without and some with flash)

PS: I just realised that I forgot to show you where I keep my bags! I basically keep them in another big box in my smaller shelf, next to my bed.

I just saw that lovely Kristiana presented my blog as one of her Top7 luxemburgish blogs and wanted to say a big, big Thank you! Click here to get to her blog!

Song of the Week

Since I download new music every weekend and can't decide which is my favourite song, I'll post three to five songs every week!
So, my current favourites are:

I love the videos of the last two songs!

What do you think about the songs, like/dislike? xo

Do you want to hold the gun?

(I don't know if you can tell, but the third picture is actually a big timing-fail hahah)

Grey Shirt + Fake Fur - Pull & Bear, Jeggings - Dr Denim, Black Cardigan -ZARA, Scarf - H&M Divided, Oxfords - Unknown, Bag - Topshop.

PS: I just remembered I still have to post the song of the week..!

OMG this is the best giveaway e v e r !

It's just not fair to you how cool I am

Went to Echternach with my mum and got a few things: transparent socks (for my oxfords) and tights, black opaque tights, cream (for my hands), a very cute pen which writes pink and light blue and (ofc!) Minimarshmallows - oops, already eaten.

I went to the tailor today to try on the basic dress I'll get for the prom in a week. The dress is dark blue and loong and beaautiful :D It's not finished yet but it should be on wednesday!
Do you want me to make a draft of what it'll look like?


Yoo, I'm Rihanna II !
This is my sexiest look ever!
Last Tuesday we had this meeting at school, for parents and students, about the subjects we can choose fornext year. Since we
didn't want to go home and come all the way back again, we decided to go to C's place (the blonde girl) and cook 
something! Well the result was a delicious Spaghetti Bolognese :D
We took many silly pictures and had lots of fun, hehe.
(The first four pictures are from when we spent our lunchbreak in the canteen)

What I bought today:

Friday, 28 January 2011

 totally cute oxfords, from a random kind of chinese shop, 16€
 simple, black, lovely ballerinas also from that small shop, 11€
 the most awesome jeggings I've ever tried on - from Dr Denim, bought in Extrabold, 40€
 Chinese noooooodles!

lovelove everyhing


 Here's a small preview of how I spent my fridayafternoon - I'll post what I bought later! xo

I need new Cheap Mondays

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Pink/Rose Top (can't see it) - ZARA, Cardigan - Pull and Bear, Jeans - Cheap Monday (I need new oneees!), fake Allstars - H&M Divided, Ring - Asos

Sorry for the many outfit posts but I have to catch up with my lack of blogging, right?


Here's some stuff I recently bought:
Striped stretch-y skirt, from H&M, 5€
 Brown/Red/whateveryouwannacallthatcolour Blazer, H&M Divided, 20€
I actually bought these two weeks ago, but
nevermind. Both Sephora, the lipgloss was 50ct, it used to be 6€ or so and the liquid 
eyeliner was 10€ but I got this one cheaper too, for 7€, I think.
Both from L'Oréal Paris. Make-up Mousse or whatever it's called, 14€, Blush 12€


My tuesday's outfit which I really, really liked! Ignore the socks I'm wearing in the first picture, hehe.
White Tanktop - H&M, Transparent Blouse - New Look, Red/Brown Blazer - H&M Divided, Jeans - Cheap Monday + My black allstars from H&M Divided

you can hang with me

Here I finally am again! I'm really sorry but I really couldn't blog the last few days!
I actually planned to at least post this outfit on monday but the internet spontaneously decided not to work, pheew. And my excuses for the other two days: on thuesday, I was only at home around 11 because of a meeting in school and yesterday evening was spent with Pizza, Kathlyn and DHW.
Well, however, this was my monday's outfit, really simple but I liked it!

I planned other posts for tonight, which will be online later, so don't forget to come back and check some time later! I'm now gonna make some pasta and study spanish verbs in weird tenses, woop. xo