I'm a beast when you turn me on

Sunday 7 November 2010

My today's outfit! It was raining nearly the whole day, I guess we're starting to get into Winter, brrr.
Sorry that I didn't post earlier, but I spent my day with mum, we went to pick up my grandma and had lunch with her, etc. Right now I don't have a lot to tell/write, I just don't want to think about school starting tomorrow..
Oh, and as you can see, I decided to use Lookbook again, don't forget to check mine out from time to time! xx


  1. Is loving the bag!


  2. pretty you!
    den rank as aus dem six an den macchiato hun ej ned selwer gema ;)

  3. schöööön! maja! well op der plaatz do kennen se se mat der pistoul schéissen, nemmen 10E. am knorpel gett den piercing mat der nool gemaa, waat 49E kascht an menger mam definitiv ze deier war, d.h. fiir kleeschen gin mer zreck hehe ;) <3

  4. emmer dach :D se sin su schööön *_*

  5. love your grey parka very on trend


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